Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences) ›› 2014, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 33-37.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2014.02.006

• Ecological and Environmental Protection Forum • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Moral Conflictsin Environmental Risk Distribution,Propagation and Recognition

 YU  Le   

  1. (College of Public Administration,Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences,Yongchuan 402160,Chongqing China)
  • Online:2014-03-15 Published:2014-04-21

Abstract: There are many imbalanced relations existing in the produce of environmental risk,such as social economical statues,social risk positions,the imbalance of knowledge and power in explaining environmental risk to determine responsibility,and so on.They produce tremendous mental influences on the propagation,reception and recognition,causing doubt,anxiety,resentment and moral conflicts and potential threats to society.So,the mental and moral effects in the propagation,acceptance and recognition of environmental risk and their relation with the social stability and harmony are demanding more attention and management of the whole society.

Key words: social risk position, power of discourse, recognition of risk, mental effects, moral conflicts

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