Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 115-125.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2024.04.012

• Linguistics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Construction of New Typological Genealogy of Text-paratext Symbiotic Narrative Theory

GUO Jianfei   

  1. (College of Foreign Studies,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,Hunan China)
  • Online:2024-07-01 Published:2024-07-08

Abstract: In various literary works and their surroundings,paratextual elements are ubiquitous,and their narrative roles vary in strength and visibility depending on their proximity to the text's center.Based on the distance from the center of the text,all paratextual elements can be categorized into 3 distinct types with clear boundaries:formal and symbol paratexts located at the center of the text,characterized by the "duality" of having both text and paratexts attributes,play a highly concealed equivalent narrative role and form a blending symbiotic narrative relationship with the text;specific content paratexts near the center of the text,characterized by collaborative features with adjacent specific content,play a relatively apparent auxiliary narrative role and form an adjacency symbiotic narrative relationship with the text;special distance paratexts far from the center of the text,characterized by complementary features that interact and contrast with the text's theme,play the most prominent coordinating narrative role and form a distancing symbiotic narrative relationship with the text.The inherent and universal presence of paratextual elements at varying distances from the center of the text in literary works and their surroundings makes the construction of a typological genealogy of text-paratext symbiotic narrative theory,based on the logical framework of "position-type-feature-role-relationship",which not only clarifies the boundary problem of paratexts,but also has its distinctive universal application value.

Key words: paratext, formal and symbolparatexts, specific content paratexts;special distance paratexts;symbiotic narrative, blending symbiotic, adjacency symbiotic, distancing symbiotic

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