Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 150-160.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2023.01.017

• New Age New Youth New Academy:Doctoral Forum • Previous Articles    

The Meaning and Logic of Life Education from the Perspective of Traditional Confucian Culture

GUO Qing   

  1. (Chinese International College,Dhurakij Pundit University,Bangkok 10210,Thailand)
  • Online:2023-01-01 Published:2023-02-23

Abstract: Life education is an important part of education and an important subject of life development,and the traditional Confucian culture has injected new connotation into it.Its specific implication includes the consciousness education of valuable and tenacious life,the emotion education sought by life settlement,and the responsibility education that highlights the value of life.Culture is the lifeblood of a nation and the spiritual home of its people.If life itself needs to be cared for and nourished,it must be inseparable from the interaction between excellent traditional culture and educational means.As the mainstream thought of Chinese traditional culture,Confucianism inherits and continues the spiritual tradition of paying attention to life in the evolution of history and the development of the times.Enlightening people with "literature" and "benevolence",Confucian culture shapes the humanistic spirit and life consciousness of the educational subject,constructs the era orientation of the value of life education,enriches the connotation of life,and implements the core guarantee of "spiritual life" education.It focuses on the practice of "acting",expands the width of "social life" and builds the fundamental driving force of a harmonious society.Under the guidance of traditional Confucian culture,we should promote life education,trying to realize the internalization and sublimation of life education through cooperative education of life.

Key words: Confucian culture, life education, value of life, spiritual life, social life, excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation

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