Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

• Ethnology and Anthropology Study • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Daily Life and Imperial Politics in Rural Areas:Reflections on the Collation and Research of Qingshuijiang Documents

ZHANG Xinmin   

  1. (Academy of Chinese Culture,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China)
  • Online:2019-03-01 Published:2019-03-12

Abstract: The increasing compilation and publication of Qingshuijiang documents indicates that there is a thorough improvement of environment of historical documents in regional studies.Summarizing the value of these historical documents,we may find their five characteristics of being informative,being integrative,being folk,having clear sources,and being ethnic.Fully utilizing Qingshuijing documents,we can reveal the long-sheltered space of civil society,restore the daily life of the people,and understand the details of the changes in society,economy and culture after Miao frontiers were cultivated.And we can also recognize the complex interaction between dynasty state and local society,and respond to western scholars'challenge of colonial narrative discourse.Furthermore,by studying the ups and downs in the regional society,we can see the importance of constructing frontier system,grasp the political strategy of colonization development of imperial empire,and promote the mutual complement between macro and micro views in regional studies.

Key words: folk documents, characteristics of historical documents, rural life, imperial strategy, colonial discourse, Qingshuijiang documents

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