Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

• Aesthetics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Real Existential Consciousness of Chinese Aesthetics and Its Spirit of Freedom

LI Tiandao,TANG Junhong   

  1. (College of Literature,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu,610066 China)
  • Online:2017-09-01 Published:2017-07-24

Abstract: Chinese aesthetics holds that “man” should return to his original purity,keep his natural survival state,transcend worldly desires,clarify his real conscience,and combine his nature with material things so as to reach a real existential field.What is reflected in aesthetic appreciation is “xujing”,a quiet mind,with which man observes things and acquires the nature of things and reaches the realm of complete sincerity.According to Chinese aesthetics,man,heaven and earth are mutuallyintegrated,and the real existence presents a spirit of freedom conforming to nature.

Key words: Chinese aesthetics, real existential consciousness, spirit of freedom

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