Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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On the Guiding Principle of Moral Identity

LIU Rengui   

  1. (Research Institute of Philosophy,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,Hunan China)
  • Online:2016-07-01 Published:2016-07-19


Moral identity refers to the identical or unifying process and state between human beings and morality,and it is human beings’ spontaneous acceptance of moral value,moral concept,and moral norm,with its humanlogical foundation lying in life’s identification,realistic foundation in social needs,and psychogenesis mechanism in sympathetic sensation.With various types,moral identity is a harmoniously running organic system of such elements as the internal world,self,morality,and external world,driven by spiritual mechanism,social mechanism,and mental mechanism.In the modern society with multiple values,diverse cultures,and prominent differences,the appeal of subject value is often not identical with the need of social moral value,causing crisis of moral identity.However,it in this process of overcoming crisis that human morality has made progress.

Key words: moral identity, human beings and morality, identical, difference, integration

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