Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

• Political science • Previous Articles    

Endogeny or Introduction:Reflections on the Growth Mechanism and Cultivation Path of Community Commonweal Organization——A Case Study in Wuchang District of Hubei Province

YIN Hao,MA Tao   

  1. (1.College of Politics and History,Yangtze Normal University,Fuling 408100,Chongqing,China;2.Research Institute of Politics,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China)
  • Online:2016-05-01 Published:2016-06-27


By borrowing the theoretical research logic of institutional development and introducing the two key variables of endogeny and introduction,this paper holds that the growth of community commonweal organizations needs the state’s effective involvement,that endogenous paths should be taken,that special social organizations out of the community should be introduced,and endogenous development path should be adopted due to the external resources and environment,the lag development of grass-root society,the consensus of community public service supply rules and the fragmented situation of the community structure.The development path,mainly based on endogeny and aided by introduction,is the precondition for the germination of independent consciousness of grass-root society.

Key words: endogeny, introduction, community commonweal organization, cultivation

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