Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)
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XIE Yake
Ubiquitous healthcare is a medical revolution initiated by technology.It opens a new window for medical treatment,expands people’s health concept,harmonizes the relationship between doctors and patients,improves medical efficiency,and directs a way for the reform of present medical system.while bringing a medical revolution,it has also caused conflicts and changes in traditional medical ethics,in which the medical privacy would be infinitely extended,digitization of medical information would cause privacy disclosure and vicious utilization,the control power of individual medical privacy would be weakened,responsibilities of online medical disputes and medical malpractices based on intelligent medical system would be hard to define,ID of electric medical treatment would cause prejudice,and medical digital gap and the materialization of the relationship between the doctors and the patients would be intensified.To effectively deal with these and avoid ethic risks,it is necessary to perfect the technical design of ubiquitous healthcare,giving enough importance to the collaboration between system and ethics and developing an ethical social environment.
Key words: ubiquitous healthcare, ethical issues
XIE Yake. Ethical Perspectives of Ubiquitous Healthcare[J]. Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences), DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2016.03.008.
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