Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 1-8.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.02.001

• Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era •     Next Articles

The New Form of Human Civilization:Appearance Logic and Three-dimensional Presentation

YANG Zhenwen   

  1. (Philosophy Department,Party School of Hunan Provincial CPC Committee(Hunan University Administration),Changsha 410006,China)
  • Online:2022-03-01 Published:2022-04-12

Abstract: The new form of human civilization does not appear abruptly,but is the result of the joint action of triple logic:from the perspective of theoretical logic,it is the contemporary application of Marxist concept of civilization;from the perspective of historical logic,it is the vivid embodiment of the historical regularity of the evolution of human civilization in contemporary China;from the perspective of realistic logic,it is a new civilization born from the road of Chinese-style modernization.The new form of human civilization presents a multi-dimensional form:first,the essential form is the Chinese version of human civilization (socialist civilization with Chinese characteristics);second,the overall form is the "five-in-one"overall civilization;third,the road form is the civilization born out of the Chinese-style modernization road;fourth,the value form is a new civilization advocating a community with a shared future for mankind.The new form of human civilization is of double significance.Theoretically,the proposal of this concept demonstrates the unique contribution of China's development and progress to human civilization.It expounds the symbolic concept of China's plan in terms of "Chinese discourse" and "Chinese Voice",and holds the right to speak about the trend of human civilization.In practice,the creation of new forms has not only profoundly changed China,but also a more powerful China which is impacting,and will continue to impact on the world.

Key words: 人类文明, 人类文明新形态, 中国特色社会主义文明, 中国式现代化道路

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