Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 115-124.DOI: 10.13438/j.cnki.jdxb.2022.01.012

• Sociology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Policy Optimization and Accurate Service Strategy for Children in Need in China:Cultural Sensitivity and Needs Satisfaction

FENG Yuan   

  1. (Department of Sociology,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China)
  • Online:2022-01-01 Published:2022-03-09

Abstract: Children are naturally vulnerable and dependent,so they need the care,protection and welfare protection of adult society.In the past decade,China has issued a series of life security and care and protection policies for a large number of children inneed such as loss of dependence,disability,serious illness,vagrancy,poverty,abuse and lack of guardianship in the process of social transformation,attempting to build an appropriate universal child welfare system to promote the well-being and development of children.However,due to the influence of such factors as the insufficient allocation of professionals,the weak guidance of professional theory and the inertia of administrative thinking of grass-roots staff,there is a lack of cultural sensitivity at the level of policies and services for children in distress.These problems are manifested in paying attention to the identification of the object's qualification,to the construction of children's work network,to monetized assistance,and to active short-term services,but not enough attention to the differences in the internal needs of the object,to the efficiency of welfare delivery,to professional services,and to the whole life cycle service.Under the guidance of the theory of cultural sensitivity and needs,we should take measures such as the renewal of service concepts,the optimization of welfare system,the allocation of professionals,the integration of multiple subjects,and the supply of holistic services to explore innovative strategies and paths for policy optimization and accurate services for children in need,and build a child welfare system with Chinese characteristics.

Key words: children in need, cultural sensitivity, child protection policy, social work, social services

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