Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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Constructing International Norms for the Governance of Cyber Terrorism—An Analytical Framework of Neo-liberal Institutionalism

ZHAO Ruiqi   

  1. (School of Marxism,Communication University of China,Beijing 100024,China)
  • Online:2020-07-01 Published:2020-07-31

Abstract: In the era of rapid globalization and information technology,the Internet has objectively become an amplifier for breeding terrorism.Like cyber conflict,cyber espionage and cyber crime,cyber terrorism has become a threat source and risk factor of cyberspace security,making it one of the newest and most intractable problems in the field of international security.To this end,it is necessary to reduce the capacity of the Internet to extremism through the construction and diffusion of international norms.Based on the theory of international cooperation of neo-liberal institutionalism,through the path of "organization,mechanism and habitus",that is,"common cooperation" at the level of cyberspace governance,"deterrence and prevention" at the daily level and "joint strike" at the disciplinary level,we can build a human community with shared interests and destiny in the governance of cyber terrorism.In reality,due to the differences of legal framework and security measures in different countries,cyber tracing cannot be conducted accurately;and many problems and challenges still exist in cracking down and punishing cyber terrorism because of the value conflicts between enterprises and governments in cutting off the transmission.However,the international community has reached a consensus on the rules,mechanisms,institutions and order in fighting against cyber terrorism,and strengthened the coordination of policies and practices and the sharing of threat information and best practices,which provides a feasible path for the formation of habitus and the establishment of a global institutional framework.

Key words: cyberspace, cyberspace governance, cyber terrorism, neo-liberal institutionalism, international norms

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