Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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Patent Law as an Innovative Information System

LIANG Zhiwen   

  1. (College of Law,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou 510420,China)
  • Online:2019-01-01 Published:2019-01-26

Abstract: Patent system plays a role as a trusted information system,which is regarded as the guarantee of information reliability and reduces the transmission and transaction cost of inventive information.The innovative information whichthe pattern system intends to diffuse not only includes the technical information,but also the non-technical information related to technology.The non-technical information is also of great significance to the diffusion of technology,but its value is often neglected because people have a wrong understanding of the mechanism of how the patent system promotes the diffusion of technological information.The realization of diffusion of technical information of patent system should not only depends on the open and sufficient system,but also on the perfection of the system of right claim interpretation,tort relief,and right exception,etc.Therefore,the traditional concept of "patent disclosure" should be broadened.

Key words: information system, technical information, non-technical information, patent disclosure, innovative information system, patent law

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