Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

• Special topics on “social organizations and social governance” • Previous Articles     Next Articles

An Analysis on the Optimized Path of Social Organization to Undertake Government Transfer Function

PAN Xiuhua,SUN Yayuan   

  1. (College of Administration,Nantong University,Nantong 226019,Jiangsu China)
  • Online:2017-09-01 Published:2017-07-24

Abstract: Guiding social organizations to undertake government transfer function is not only the coreto modernize social governance system and governance ability,but is also the inevitable requirement of the reform of administrative system,which regards decentralization as the core content.Less involved in undertaking government transfer function,the current social organizations are still at the initial stage in their development,which mainly take directional commission as their way of participation.In spite of the fact that social organizations have played a considerable role in promoting self-development,driving the transformation of government functions,saving administrative cost and guaranteeing the quality of public service when they undertake government transfer function,some problems are still found,such as lack of human resources,insufficient expenditure,poor management,and improper governmental mechanism and misunderstanding of decentralization.Thus,it is still an urgent task to promote social organizations to strengthen capacity building,renew government ideas,and create innovative mechanisms.

Key words: social organizations, government functions, social governance, undertaking, governance ability

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