Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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On the Evolution of O2O Model in China:A Convenience Perspective

GE Jianhua   

  1. (Business School,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China)
  • Online:2017-07-01 Published:2017-06-21

Abstract: The development of the O2O (online to offline) model in the field of commodity circulation in China centers around how to better meet the demand of consumer convenience.The five dimensions of convenience,covering exactly the whole purchasing processes of information searching and product comparing,information exchanging between sellers and buyers,payment,delivery,and returning or refunding,are unbalanced in their own development and are of certain functional relationship in different development stages of the O2O model.The changing trajectory of this function relationship describes the objective path of China's growing O2O model:the booming O2O model is promoted by the improvement of convenience in the evolution of payment methods and the development of logistics and delivery based on the rapid advancement and popularity of Internet-based IT technology.The essence of the convenience in this model is how to better and faster deliver the product or service to the customers and interconvert value-in-use and value of commodities so as to achieve a virtuous circle of expanded reproduction in the whole society effectively.In this process,the Internet-based IT technology——the base and backbone of the O2O model,and the "door to door" delivery——the "ceiling" of the O2O model construct a development channel,within which convenience-oriented improvement leads to the further development of the O2O model.

Key words: convenience, convenience function, O2O model, consumer behavior, circulation of commodities

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