Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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A Gentleman is Like Water:the Ideological Foundation of Dongpo West Lake

YANG Xingyu   

  1. (College of Literature and Journalism,Leshan Normal University,Leshan 614004,Sichuan China)
  • Online:2017-03-01 Published:2017-03-09

Abstract: Newly named,Dongpo West Lake is proposed to highlight the cultural spirit generated by Su Shi and the West Lake.Among the works of Su Shi,The Book of Changes by the Sus laid the ideological foundation of Dongpo West Lake.This book offers a poetic analysis of Kan (a divinatory symbol) in The Book of Changes,and presents the water nature of “Composing the Shape According to Thing”.Its poetic characteristic is especially reflected in the Heart of Water proposed by Su Shi.The intricate style may break the simple principle of thinking,but it opens up the possible realm of poetic philosophy.

Key words: Dongpo West Lake, a gentleman is like water, The Book of Changes by the Sus, poetic philosophy

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