Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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Why the Publicity of the Value of Human Rights Is Possible? ——On the Three Ways to Realize the Value of Human Rights

REN Shuaijun   

  1. (School of Maxism,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
  • Online:2016-05-01 Published:2016-06-27


The value of human rights is a publicized rational value,which meets the needs of value of modern rational society for human existence and development.Modern rational society helps to realize the value of human rights in the constructions of ethics,political civilization,laws,and regulations.However,it is also confronted with the dilemma of publicity.Individualism is a major obstacle to realize the value of human rights,and it an alienation phenomenon for the individuals to realize the value of human rights.The publicity of the value of human rights embodies human beings’ publicized pursuit of value,which helps to overcome the obstacles of individualism in realizing the value of human rights.As for the forms of realization,the realization of the value of human rights is just the publicity of it,which lies in the ethic society,political society,and legal society that human beings have constructed.The publicity of the value of human rights is reflected in the constructions of ethics,politics,and institution.

Key words: value of human rights, publicity

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