Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)

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The Mechanism Framework and Connotation of Public-Private Partnerships:from the Perspective of the Compatibility between Limited Competition and Effective Competition

FU Jincun   

  1. (Collegeof Economics,Shanxi University of Finance & Economics,Taiyuan 030006,China )
  • Online:2016-03-01 Published:2016-04-28


Due to their natural monopoly,urban public utilities should practice public-private partnerships in the background of rapid urbanization,transcending the dual paradigm governance of monopoly and competition.Under the framework of public-private partnerships,contract governance mechanism,risk sharing mechanism and profit distribution mechanism being its center,should be established to realize the economic target of private sector involvement.At the same time,the regulation policies should be made correspondingly so that the public interests should not be damaged by private capital as it chases profit blindly.Thus,the connotation of public-private partnerships should include setting up government’s behavior boundary,establishing a positive motivation capital regulation mode,and stimulating the regulated enterprises to voluntarily improve their efficiency.

Key words: urban public utilities, limited competition;effective competition;public-private cooperation mechanism

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